Friday 11 March 2011

Where is God when natural disasters happen ?

Today (Friday 11th March 2011) Japan was rocked by its biggest earthquake (8.9 on the rictor scale) and a tsunami with waves up to 10m. When you hear news of this magnitude your heart goes out to the country and the people who are suffering. But where is God amongst the devastation ? he is just as upset as the people who are suffering but he does allow natural disasters to occur. Why ?: Numbers 16 : 30-34 tells us that natural disasters are a response to sin ; God allows natural disasters to mirror the sin on creation. The world is the Lord's , God created it and humans are taking over with greed , sin ,evil and war by allowing natural disasters God is reminding humans that he is in control. God is a Good God but he is also a jealous God and is jealous of the way we love the world when we should be loving him. The world should be a resting place for us till we are called home to heaven but humans get caught up in the world and worship materalistic things. As christians we can pray for the people of Japan and we can send money but we need to remember not to blame God , he may have allowed it but he is a good God and he is in control.


  1. I totally agree with what you are saying the world is not ours to control it was made for us to live in by God. He made the heavens, the earth, the sky and the seas and he is not happy with how we are treating the earth. If you look at the amount of natural disasters that occured last year: the Iceland volcano, the Haiti earthquake, the mudslides in China, the New Zealand earthquake this year and most recently the Japan earthquake it shows just how much of a mess the World is in. Even though we live in modern times with techonlogy in abudance and robots and renewable to look forward to in the future we still have to remember the World is not ours to change our control. God sent the first flood to the earth 2000 years ago in the story of Noah and the ark. Genesis 7 is an account of the flood and if you read it you will see how God used it as a way of expressing his anger toward how his people treat the world he worked so hard to create. " After seven days, the waters of the flood came and covered the earth." Genesis 7 v 10. Even though the world has came along way since the first flood God is still unhappy with what he sees now and he will not be happy until we put a stop to our sinful actions. All we can do is continue to pray for the people of Japan, for the floods to come in the future and that we as people of the earth learn to change our selfish, greedy ways before its too late. We have to remember that God is the only one who can change the world and make it better not us, we are not in control. God is.

    By Lauren Sneddon, christian and member of Hamilton Baptist Church.

  2. Hi :) your absolutley right when you talk about the flood of Noah and how God used it to express his anger towards the world , what happened to Japan is a similar situation. Your also right when you say we need to remember God is in control. Thanks for commenting. God bless x
