Thursday 24 March 2011

Chirstian messages in Disney Films

Has anyone noticed underlying christian messages in Disney films ?. If you havent im about to highlight a few for you. Sleeping Beauty is a disney film that mirrors christian life , the baddie "Malificent" is the devil who tempts the christain girl (Aurora) to a spinning wheel where she pricks her finger and falls asleep for a hundred years. The three fairies mirror the trinity of God : Father , son and holy spirit who equips the christian boy(the Prince) with the armour of God (sword of truth , sheild of virtue ....) to fight Malificent (the devil). Beauty and the Beast teaches us not to judge , the prince judged the old hag that came to his door so he was turned into a beast to teach him a lesson. Pocohontas focuses on our paths in life ; as christians we should let the Lord guide us along our paths and remember when God closes a door somewhere he opens a window. The Little Mermaid teaches us not to be materalistic as Ariel was caught up with collecting bits and bobs and wanting to be a human. Also the Lion King song : "He lives in you" can be thought of as a christian message as God lives in everyone one of us , its up to us to accept him and welcome into our lives. Walt Disney was indeed a Christian and wanted christian messages to seep through his films to reach his young audience but the real place people should learn about christianity is the bible , disney films are a fantasy but the bible and God is a reality.

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