Wednesday 16 March 2011

Gifts from God by Lauren Sneddon

Gifts from God

As we look towards Mothers day we think of the  gifts we will likely give our Mums: flowers, chocolates a gift voucher or even just a card but as this special day approaches (   3rd April 2011 ) we have to remind ourselves that we were gifts given to our mothers by God. He knew our every detail: what eye colour we would have, whether we would be a boy or girl, our names our date of date, he knew it all before our Mums did because he created us. We are gifts just like our mum was a gift to our gran’s and just like Jesus was God’s most precious gift of all. When were given gifts at Christmas or for our birthday we intend to use them whether it’s a brand new mobile or some perfume or a CD we intend to use it. But what about the gifts God gave us? How do we use them?.  When i say gifts that God gave us i don’t mean of materialistic value i am speaking of the spiritual and physical talents that he gave you. It could be a Musical gift, a Fashion Gift, The gift of song, a sports gift or even something as simple as being able to stand in front of people and talk that is the gift of public speaking. Not everyone likes speaking in front of people, great actors have had to get over their fear of it just like great ballet dancers and singers have had to get over their fear of stage fright. However some people are gifted greatly in being able to act, dance and sing in front of a huge audience. Part of expressing your gifts is discovering first and foremost what they are. As a young child growing into a teenager and then finally into an adult who will have probably discovered your gifts whether you were exceptional in Football, drama or art you are probably aware of what they are. You may have even built your career upon the gifts God gave you. Brandon Flowers, front man of rock band ‘The Killers’ used his musical gifts as a singer, guitarist, pianist and song writer to write lyrics with a Christian message (Crossfire song )however made them popular among the young generation of today by giving his songs a modern rock and roll edge. All gifts were created by God both physical and spiritual. Spritual gifts could be praying for you someone, making someone a homemade card, cooking for someone or telling them the truth. To one person the sprit gives the ability to give wise advice, to another the same spirit gives a message of special knowledge”, 1 Corinthians 12 v 7-9. Gifts were given by God so use them for God.By Lauren Sneddon


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