Friday 8 April 2011

Lost Sheep

Sometimes we can be like lost sheep and be lost , alone and in need of shelter and comfort. John 10 tells us that Jesus offers us shelter and comfort : John 10 v 3 : " and the sheep hear his voice as he calls them by name and leads them out. John 10 v 11 : " I am a good sheperd , the good sheperd give his life for the sheep". John 10 is another example of imagery used in the bible : humans are the sheep who can become lost in life and Jesus is the Sheperd who looks after the sheep and finds them if they come to him. When John 10 says : " he gives his life for the sheep" , Jesus did give his life when he died for our sins and rose again to be our saviour. This Easter remember what your saviour did for you  he set you free from sin  thank him for his beautiful act of sacrifice and love.

1 comment:

  1. More easter messages will be posted nearer the easter date :) .
