Sunday 10 April 2011


The theme for Hamilton Baptist Church's (HBC) evening service (10.04.11) was DISCIPLESHIP and the importance of disciples in Jesus our saviour. The sermon focused on the disciple Peter and his impact on christian discipleship , the bible passage 1 Peter 3 v 22 ..... gives Peter's account on being a disciple of God ( a follower of the Lord). Peter's main points on discipleship is that :

Evil can be overcome
Failures happen to help others miss the pitfalls
Christianity should not be egotistic as we need to give ourselves to Jesus and to others !.
Resist the devil and stand firm in your faith , he will make you strong.

HBC Pastor's notes on discipleship :

1. Is based in spiritual conflict
 - the devil prowls around like a lion looking for christians to devour (beware of the preditor).
- Put on spiritual armour

2.Belongs to a focused fraternity
- Be self-controlled and alert !.
- we belong to a global fraternity
- evil is brutual and upfront
- discipleship is about strenghting others
- disicpleship is living by faith as we have not seen Jesus but we believe he is there , he is helping us and others and is going to come back one day , we BEILEVE in the WITNESS of the DISCIPLES.

3. Disciples Behold their King

-  God supports us , is more than kind to us and empowers us.

Christanity is not a hobby , its a walk in life , its also a race ; a race towards the prize of heaven.

If your a disciple of God your invited to run the race of christianity with the help of your church and fellow christians and your saviour to help you over the hurdles.

Some of HBC'S the 100th Anniversary Civic Reception :).

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