Thursday 21 April 2011

Good Friday

I finished my previous post telling how the week after Psalm sunday Jesus had his last supper with his disciples - a special time to thank them and prepare for the following day. The following day was infact Good Friday , the actual day is when Jesus was in fact crucified. Now people ask  why is it called Good Friday when Jesus died the most painful death well its Good in the sense that Jesus triumphed  over evil to save us from our sins but its sad in the sense that Jesus took it upon himself to save us - he was the ultimate sacrifice. The sad fact is that Jesus was not found guilty before Pilate but the crowd that gathered to spectate , they cried for Pilate to order the crufication of Jesus because his preaching of his fathers word - the truth ! offended them. Jesus was then crucified in order for our horrible sins to be forgiven and to re-write our wrongs because he loves us soo much as God his father and our father loves us and wants a relationship with us. As Jesus drew his last breath the curtain in the temple was torn in two to symbolise that there is now no barrier to our coming to the Lord , he is waiting for you to come to him and he will welcome you with open arms as the father did the progical son and the sheperd with the lost sheep. John 10 v 11 : " I am the good sheperd : the good sheperd lay his life down for the sheep". This Easter take time out from eating easter eggs to remember what the Lord Jesus your saviour did for you , he made it possible for you to have a relationship with God and for your sins to be washed away. The minute you ask God for forgivness your name will be written in the lambs book of life and will never be taken out. " Amazing love how can it be , that God my King should die for me".

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