Wednesday 25 May 2011

God always with you

After being a christian for 12 years now i have learned to rely on the Lord my saviour and holy spirit  to be with me wherever i go. From going to university to going to Paris last week i have asked the Lord to help me in situations that seem over my head but can be made easy when you trust in the lord to help you. Before Jesus christ was called home to be at his fathers side he left his holy spirit so that it would be a comfort to those who choose to believe in him and live through him. 1 john 5 v 6 : " And the spirit , who is the truth , confirms it with his testimony ". John 14 v 26 : " but when the father sends the adovcate as my representative - that is the Holy Spirit - he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything i have told you". V 27 : " I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace i give is a gift the world cannot give. So dont be troubled or afraid". These biblical verses have taught me that when whenever i have to face a situation thats out of my depth i can always rely on the holy spirit to be there to comfort me and get me through and to calm my fears. Next time you have fears or doubts remember that the holy spirit is there to comfort you.

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